Halloween Candy Tooth Tips!

Today marks the beginning of October and that means trick or treating is only a few weeks away! While trick or treating is a fun event for both you and your children, we want to ensure that they are still maintaining a healthy mouth. Candy is the silent killer to cavities and can cause major rottage in the mouth of young children and even adults. Here at Fluellen Roberts Family Dentistry located in Richardson, our dentists Dr. Fluellen and Dr. Roberts have a few tips and tricks to help prevent decay during this fun Halloween time!

The stickier the candy (caramel, taffy, etc), the longer they stay on the teeth causing decay.

Chewing sugar free gum after meals can help reduce tooth decay

Avoid biting into hard candy

If your children are eating candy, make sure they are drinking water after

Don’t brush immediately after eating candy since that can remove the softened tooth enamel. Wait at least 30 minutes

Better options are chocolate bars, chocolate covered items, small hard candies, and licorice

Our dentists and staff still want to ensure your children have fun so we hope this tips can ensure a healthy mouth while also having a great Halloween! Call our office today if you are due for your 6 month appointment at 972-231-8241